Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Some Wonderfully Perfect People

I am feeling blessed to know some wonderful people. Today isn't one of my better days health wise and when people find forgiveness for the way I can be abrupt, I am so thankful. My M.S. can cause a world of pain as the lesions affect the pain protection and when it's bad, I can bark loud, grow demanding,sharp, impatient, a host of qualities that I would prefer not to admitt to having. So what am I talking about with these good people? I will go in order of my contacts A.God first... B.My husband, Milan whose been gone for two weeks building on a glass heated and cooled porch for our cabin and also a walk in closet-who forgave me for whining about returning to a bit of a mess. He wanted it all clean and spiffy so I could see what he and he the carpenter had done in the burning make me happy and for a surprise. I would never have his degree of patience or warmth...And I mean it. He desrves a huge hug! and a lot more...He always fogives... C. Cody Lopez who is my I Universe consultant. Cody has sat through the three times when I was going to switch comapanies because of the fact that I bought a costly prodution package-Cody who listened to me threaten and gripe and insult! Cody a twenty-seven year old consultant whom I adore for all of his hopes and dreams for me.He has given me nothing but goodness and an example of how people should and could be... D. Counsel for Indie Authors...Richard and Diane...Editors of my book-Candle Light Dreams- Their traits-insightful; giving; two people who point out mistakes in a helpful way that makes one feel like being in a book club in order to think and express -Two creative, timely, enjoyable, bright, fantastic people who have made me glad I write... E. Carol Doyle-Living Better at 50+ A beautiful magazine and a a fantastic woman. The best words come from her. She is immediate in her appreciation and true to her word. I wish I had Carol's formula because she does so many things successfully and with uttterly amazing ease. I have had the opportunity to be published by her after she read some of my more poetic responses on Twitter. What would the world be like with more Carols? These are my August picks for perfect people. Blessings sent to them...

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