Dear Sister and Friend, when I think of you, so many words and memories come to mind. From very early on, I think of cereal box ads and Nancy Drew, Of my Tony doll, the felt needle case with the green tree, and your tumbleweed fall-Sorry. There were your A's while I sat in the hall on that little red chair. Summer hikes, our bikes, the swimming pool with dairy cones to follow. Our twin beds, the bat flying across the room, and the cat swinging in through the window. Me endlessly awake, you asleep, pogo sticks, hoopla hoops, learning the twist-You sensibility, my sense of things, out pride and our prejudices, milk duds, Thursday night movies, bumble bee. Tears, fears, wiggles and giggles fights.and hugs
Endless the memories that have lasted through out the years and endless the respect, the thanks, the compassion, and the love I feel for you-
Happy Birthday Kathleen
Gabby Barb
I hope that each minute of today and each day is what you wish for it to be. Wishing you joy and lots of camera fun and sun...