Have you ever had those exhaustive moments when it's so bad that you would give your children away? We hear people say, "I'm so disgusted with Tommie. I could give him away. I had days when my son and I went to the doctor for some attention.He was fussy, the weather was hot, and frankly I thought if it was just a little tummy ache, some Pep to Bis mo would solve the problem, and we'd both get to visit with the doctor-Sort of a secondary gain for a lonely mother on one of those long summer days. Today the kids go to the sitter all year long even on the days mother doesn't work. This new generation has it thought out.
Well, last night I did what I've been tempted to so. I know some nice strangers who I thought would give my kids a fair shake. I was exhausted. I said, "I can't do this anymore. I'm afraid I will break the computer or do worse if you don't take my beloveds. For more than two years I've spent eight hours a day with them, talking to them and about them, dressing these kids, feeding them, deciding their activities and hair dos and even crying for one or two...I'd had it. It took courage. I have never seen the people they went to. I said, "take them and I will pay you for keeping them and cleaning up their act". I gave away Celeste whose 12, Howie just one, Ginny also twelve, Mike who was just injured by a bull and might not walk, and Will a tease.,14 They are out of my hands. I have been asked that come Monday, I quit interfering with their lives. So, this is my question to you? Did I do the right thing. Should an author finish her book and turn over her creations? My nose prickled but I trust that Indie Author Counsel will comb their hair, brush their teeth, and polish them up nicely. After that---they go to press an then to a book shelf. I did my best. Come meet them. They're precious.
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