Friday, April 1, 2011

Genealogy Girl-Ttime Party

Party Time Genealogy Style.
Party~Genalogy Slumber Get Togerher~ Do It!~Party Time with Ancestors~All Night with Friens and tTheir Relatives Pictures and ~

It's time your friends understood waht you do and why it takes you away from them so pick your guests-(four or less) and plan

your SNACKS~raisins with corn candy, ice cream bars in freezer-Fresh Fruit and hot and cold tea~..."Come at collage 3:00" their vi

vintage collage invites will say!~ And what next? Pillows and pj's;tell them to bring theirs along with a tooth brush, a large frame; and l

long gone memories. (See them?) They are having a ball.;~Your friends also brought scraps of lace...ribbons...buttons whatever they a

hand~ And you provided glues, fabrics, paints TEMPERA...Markers scissors, music, and lots of laughter and comfort for their

CREATING~ I am going to set out books with ideas for how they might want to arrange their long forgotten now coming to life in

the warmth of your hospitality...Clip, snip, laughter, sigh, telling stories about /Aunt Helen's affair or Uncle Ned and how he drove

down the middle of the road---The art work is looking good and even if it looks doesn't matter. You are using copies of

originals as things fall into shape...more stories about people, hardships, ships, births, divorces, millionaires, debt, career's and...

It's suddenly time for supper~winter crock pot stew and chili; summer grilled hamburgers with potato salad and lettuce salad and

brownies~And How about a vintage movie for those who are done working-and when the movie is over---then what? I

know...AND yeS WiNe and WIne

Stories!-a group story in the dark--- taking turns ghost story style. Laughter and moments that are unforgettable~Oh how time flies~

Check the pictures once more and then share the meaning of the day-What each will take away?~ ...Yes...

the girls tell
Publish Post
what the experience meant by way of family~ An experience for~forgiveness and understanding and loving.more deeply Yes..

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