Friday, December 30, 2011
50+ A Wondrous New Year
Though It's five in the morning and I just finished writing-doing final edition, I couldn't help but think of what it means to have another year of opportunities. Wow! 365 days to enjoy and discover and do the things my heart sings of. Here are some frivolous desires of mine. Share yours with me please. Here goes as I sit on the bed and spread, my wings out over the world. 1. Turn the bedroom raspberry with a green carpet-Add pictures with yellows, purples, greens-2.Pack lightly and travel to Millersburg Iowa to see the origins of my ancestry then fly off to England and France and Ireland for the finishing touches-almost forgot Canada and Verches-a great part of my paternal and embroidery a Christmas pillow for Anna our one year old granddaughter who-if she's still teething will -will eat the pillow and thread-but who cares? My wings fly when I'm around her. She loves computer keys and is the ultimate tease. So cute and rounded and cuddly. 4. Go to our cabin and sit with the,water, weeds, wild flowers, and skunks. There is much to be learned about natural behaviors from that which dwells outside. Have you ever seen flowers that are on the verge of a breakdown? I doubt it. 5. To celebrate life with my husband and partner and stay on track. Mostly I desire for us to go to a rodeo dance-to have some beer and do a little late night sweating in the Nebraska heat to songs like Crazy Girl. 7. I want to soften my face, and smile, and voice that I may soothes those about me. Lavender bath oil, a picked up house, a new hairdo, and zippy clotes would help. I may be 50+ but that doesn't stop me from making blackberry wine or blueberry ice cream, or swim with the dolphins. I leave you with this... Walk lightly, breathe deeply, and love others passionately. You'll be amazed at what you find.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Inner Joy: Christmas -Making Gifts-Sad to Glad
Inner Joy: Christmas -Making Gifts-Sad to Glad: As one who is now over fifty I was thinking back over the years to some of my favorite Christmas's. In ways I wished that I could return and...
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas -Making Gifts-Sad to Glad
As one who is now over fifty I was thinking back over the years to some of my favorite Christmas's. In ways I wished that I could return and redo some of the things I have done. I think that as we get older we can easily become nostalgic or depressed because we can't return to what might look like greener pastures. But there is an alternative. Think of the years ahead and see these as an opportunity to write another story. Life is after all a succession pf events. I want to be able to look back and see the years I have left as precious as the years past. I say this not as one who couldn't look at myself and feel sorry. I was sixteen the year I lost a depressed mother to an overdose of pills the day after Christmas.Following her death, there were years when I didn't get any gifts despite the fact that there was plenty to give with. I sat and watched others open theirs.
Without Mom there just wasn't anyone to buy the packages or bake the cookies or decorate the house.One of the tings that I most appreciated about her was that despite how she felt, she gave. She was also one to decorate her packages, to fix a glowing tree, to have the most fabulous Swedish dinner of lukefist, potatoes, white sauce, and pudding baked in a coffee can-She also made spritz cookies, divinity, date bars, and all sorts of goodies, though I wonder how she did it as sad as she was. Regardless, I take her enjoyment and double it into the holidays, hoping to make the world a better place and a happier place.
Here are some of the past enjoyments.One Christmas after we were first married we invited several couples over for a Christmas food in our small home in Lincoln. Another year I did pillows and designed an apron for gifts.But beyond this I have my favorites. They are always the homemade or home done projects. One was making grape jelly and ice cream sauce plus picking Nebraska popcorn and adding the Christmas morning breakfast meal,sending this to my siblings. An original Nebraska gift!. Another was doing a Christmas recording of stories and memories to send to relatives. One year-three Christmases back I spent days doing a scrapbook of my married son's life. I went back to his schools, the homes where we had lived, added school drawings from when he was five and six and wrote a fairy tale done in pictures about his engagement right up to the wedding. When my dad was in the nursing home I made him a special Christmas tree to keep bedside his chair and went Christmas day to eat the dinner with him.My favorite project was making coasters out of genuine vintage fabric from an old quilt that I bought at yard sale.
Other memories are cutting down tress and baking for neighbors. These are simple things but heartfelt. My sister takes exquisite pictures and sends them They are treasures and make fabulous gift.We all need to learn to step out of the box and make today a walk for leaving echos behind.It's a gift to others and the self.We have world filled with opportunities and ways to pamper ourselves and others. My most enjoyable Christmas upper is baking. I love to make candies and mixes that sit about the counter free to offer to others. This will be out first year with a little granddaughter, now one. Next year I want to give her a book of personally written stories. I like to think my mother must look down and smile knowing that I feel joy that was hard found for her. It means she gave me a precious gift,Christmas joy despite her depressions. We must move on and make today count. Sparkle; treat yourself extra well during a busy season. Enjoy.
Without Mom there just wasn't anyone to buy the packages or bake the cookies or decorate the house.One of the tings that I most appreciated about her was that despite how she felt, she gave. She was also one to decorate her packages, to fix a glowing tree, to have the most fabulous Swedish dinner of lukefist, potatoes, white sauce, and pudding baked in a coffee can-She also made spritz cookies, divinity, date bars, and all sorts of goodies, though I wonder how she did it as sad as she was. Regardless, I take her enjoyment and double it into the holidays, hoping to make the world a better place and a happier place.
Here are some of the past enjoyments.One Christmas after we were first married we invited several couples over for a Christmas food in our small home in Lincoln. Another year I did pillows and designed an apron for gifts.But beyond this I have my favorites. They are always the homemade or home done projects. One was making grape jelly and ice cream sauce plus picking Nebraska popcorn and adding the Christmas morning breakfast meal,sending this to my siblings. An original Nebraska gift!. Another was doing a Christmas recording of stories and memories to send to relatives. One year-three Christmases back I spent days doing a scrapbook of my married son's life. I went back to his schools, the homes where we had lived, added school drawings from when he was five and six and wrote a fairy tale done in pictures about his engagement right up to the wedding. When my dad was in the nursing home I made him a special Christmas tree to keep bedside his chair and went Christmas day to eat the dinner with him.My favorite project was making coasters out of genuine vintage fabric from an old quilt that I bought at yard sale.
Other memories are cutting down tress and baking for neighbors. These are simple things but heartfelt. My sister takes exquisite pictures and sends them They are treasures and make fabulous gift.We all need to learn to step out of the box and make today a walk for leaving echos behind.It's a gift to others and the self.We have world filled with opportunities and ways to pamper ourselves and others. My most enjoyable Christmas upper is baking. I love to make candies and mixes that sit about the counter free to offer to others. This will be out first year with a little granddaughter, now one. Next year I want to give her a book of personally written stories. I like to think my mother must look down and smile knowing that I feel joy that was hard found for her. It means she gave me a precious gift,Christmas joy despite her depressions. We must move on and make today count. Sparkle; treat yourself extra well during a busy season. Enjoy.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Creative Christmas
What are we searching for come Black Thursday? Is any it of genuinely lasting as in the memories that come from rare moments that have little to do with stores but more with faith or something beyond what we can describe. Recently while my husband was driving I read a true story about folks caught in a mountain cabin at Christmas. This was years ago but it could have been today. It was with bits of torn cloth, berries, string, pieces of a bough, that gifts were made. The meal came from venison and vegetables found in the cabin along with some dough made from what flour remained, and there were games and singing among the people. It was of the most joyous and happiest of Christmases I'd read about. When finished, I wanted the experience for myself. I asked my husband what we could make for one another if snowed in at our cabin.
Following a pause for thinking, he said that he could make me a rocking horse like the one we'd just seen at Bess Streeter Aldrich's home. It was adorable -homemade of tree trunks. I would be most happy to have that for my gift. As for what I could give him-I have a cookie tray and could bake -or I could write love poems. Since we both sing we could look out at the stars and do the duets we did long ago in out church-Silent Night-O Holy Night-Noel-and many other lovely songs. We could add made up stories. If we had a family, I'd record and we could each go about saying what we are most thankful for. In my experience as a therapist, children were happpiest over parents who loved each other and also over decorating a tree. By decorating I mean taking foil and making designs, constuction paper for more designs, making chains and stinging cranberries and if possible putting up a real tree. The things you can do together with a tree are endless. Remember what it's like to see the joy of a tree singing out from a window-It's such a spiritual thing. Add some bells from a nearby church and it's dreamlike.
Back to modern day and homes. What would be wrong with a ten dollar present for those who aren't needy and what would it be like to take a sack of food instead to the hungry? I know. I've done it. Hungry children abound in America. Isn't Christmas about caring for the poor, the hungry, the cold, the widows,those who are with out a smile for the discomfort and worries of poverty. Let's unite and give-In the meantime-have a joyfull time finding unique ways to celebrate the life of Christ. Joy will be yours.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Putting Light in Gray Days
I woke up having a gray day. I think fatigue plays a role and sometimes its when I'm alone too much or said something I wish I hadn't said.
Perhaps worst is of all are the times I "Can't erase it." I would be interested to know about you but with me, I have an enormous child. Ha
Have you ever heard of "group mentality?" It's when a group gets carried away and later sets back and says ..Wow! Maybe we took
took this prank a bit far....(Like dragging the church bell to the middle of the street on Halloween!) I know of a group that did that years .
ago. I wasn't in on it...But give me a group prank, and I'll be your leader...
What does this have to do with this blog. I'll tell you. That inner child of mine has the imp of five. Because I'm happy for the Tigers, I sent
my Tiger #13 blog around the world and back. Suddenly, I thought...enough! What will your friends think of you and what are you yourself
thinking about your child's play? Quite frankly, I was embarrassed and than I was gray. The kid in me sometimes wonders why adults get
so grown up. The adult in us is the part that weighs, evaluates, measures, looks ahead, and say A+B=C asking, if I act like a "born again kid"
will I feel silly, or embarrassed-kind of like the person who drinks too much spiked punch and wakes up in the wrong house-(I have
not done that, but last week I got in the wrong red van, stone sober) I'm one that doesn't need to drink because I seem to get high on life
and the embarrassing things that happen to me...My dream would be to be the perpetually graceful woman some day or in my
next life-or better yet-maybe just for today. Today I go for my MS infusion. I am going to be an adult lady for one day. I will be gentle,
calm, poised, and the essence of the lady I wasn't quite meant to be. By now, I am feeling sunshine and glow coming in to fill up my heart.
Most importantly, God is lighting my way so all is O.K. . It's going to be another interesting day. I'll write about today tomorrow...
Meanwhile, wishing you sunshine,
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Inner Joy: Crete NebeaKa /Doane Tigers/ Football Ranked 13
Inner Joy: Crete NebeaKa /Doane Tigers/ Football Ranked 13: Saturday Immense! A Cinderella team is born. Beginning their fifth season as the conference underdogs in what is the nation's toughest confe...
Crete NebeaKa /Doane Tigers/ Football Ranked 13
Saturday Immense! A Cinderella team is born. Beginning their fifth season as the conference underdogs in what is the nation's toughest conference overall- considering the teams of Wesleyan, Northwestern. Midland College, and now this Saturday ,Sue City's Morningside and lastly, unbeaten North Dakota Wesleyn-we are sailing high, No one knew this was coming. Matt Franzen-all conference guard from both Gothenburg and Lincoln North East, and a Doane All-American Guard in 1995, replaced Tommie Frazier five years ago. It was blood, sweat, and tears...but hanging in there-the faithful seniors on down to the freshman and every boy who goes out each week. The win is in the spirit. It's in what you take with you and how you conduct yourself on and off the field. I have heard my son say that coaching most importantly encompasses getting the boys off to a good start in the world of ups and downs. I myself, am less than courageous when I watch them. For me it has always meant going to sit in the car when the stakes get too high. Sorry...I am not seeing anyone else take this course of action. But if I were to tell my son, his wife, or the boys my reason for the trail away from the bleachers, it would be that my disappearance brings a reappearance. When I reappear it means -The Game is Won. Go Tigers! You are Champions...Hats off to Bessler and Mohlering and staff...
Crete Doane Tigers Cinderella's Football
Could this be Cinderella's year for the Doane Tigers? -One more win and will they be in the NAIA playoffs? Fans hope so in Crete. It has been some years since the cheers have been this loud. Boy,s Staff, parents...We are Proud. Words that describe this team are Spirit, Mite, Fight, Will, Tough, and Never Give Up!!! More will happen, but if it didn't, we would still be in there caring and sharing memories. We wish this team down to the last---every number and every player---our best...Fate owns the rest once one has gone out and done his or her best...Eat well, Rest up, Study First, then hit the field filled with Dreams that Really do come True-We know...Just look at you-Congratulations Matt Franzen and Staff...Go Team Go! Morningside vs. Doane Tigers <
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Joy of Picture Stories
I wish I had a picture or two on had. I could show you what I have a passion for doing. (My next endeavor will be on how to transport pictures from my albums to my blog).
If we want to share our family, we can accomplish much with cameras. My grandmother is one example. In her big thick old Bible, the one that hods the family record, I found dried roses.I opened the creme pages to the family record and discovered wine flowers on the page. It looked exquisite and spiritual. And since she was known for her handiwork, I did a collage using doilies, pillow cases,and some tiny linen vase holders she'd embroidered. I now need to add her homemade apron, her large crocheted tablecloth, and the double wedding band quilt. I have someone who is going to redo the edges in order to preserve this quilt for which she used house dresses for the colored peices.This tells much about the fabrics of her time-peppy and cheerful like her.
Because I live close to where she lived, I took a picture of her house beside the park and will add a story I wrote. Recordings give interest and variety.I think I will bake oatmeal cookies for a picture.I can set them beside her cake glass stand plus the apron she wore. I am planning to return to her childhood home for a picture of her house.In fact, I will write and then add a poem that tells even more,all of this on my slide show.Possibly the most striking addition, was a vintage post card of Hastings Ne.,only two miles from her childhood home.--I almost forgot to say, I've added a fabulous portrait of her as a young woman of the 1800's. If you were to see my slide show and my additions, right down to the land they lived on,or some notes they took-I think you would the heart of this person. It takes time, but the results are so very satisfying. It's a project of discovery with many joy filled moments.
Enjoy your genealogy and the realizatioon that your are preserving history. gabbi...inner joy
If we want to share our family, we can accomplish much with cameras. My grandmother is one example. In her big thick old Bible, the one that hods the family record, I found dried roses.I opened the creme pages to the family record and discovered wine flowers on the page. It looked exquisite and spiritual. And since she was known for her handiwork, I did a collage using doilies, pillow cases,and some tiny linen vase holders she'd embroidered. I now need to add her homemade apron, her large crocheted tablecloth, and the double wedding band quilt. I have someone who is going to redo the edges in order to preserve this quilt for which she used house dresses for the colored peices.This tells much about the fabrics of her time-peppy and cheerful like her.
Because I live close to where she lived, I took a picture of her house beside the park and will add a story I wrote. Recordings give interest and variety.I think I will bake oatmeal cookies for a picture.I can set them beside her cake glass stand plus the apron she wore. I am planning to return to her childhood home for a picture of her house.In fact, I will write and then add a poem that tells even more,all of this on my slide show.Possibly the most striking addition, was a vintage post card of Hastings Ne.,only two miles from her childhood home.--I almost forgot to say, I've added a fabulous portrait of her as a young woman of the 1800's. If you were to see my slide show and my additions, right down to the land they lived on,or some notes they took-I think you would the heart of this person. It takes time, but the results are so very satisfying. It's a project of discovery with many joy filled moments.
Enjoy your genealogy and the realizatioon that your are preserving history. gabbi...inner joy
Friday, April 1, 2011
Genealogy Girl-Ttime Party
Party Time Genealogy Style.
Party~Genalogy Slumber Get Togerher~ Do It!~Party Time with Ancestors~All Night with Friens and tTheir Relatives Pictures and ~
It's time your friends understood waht you do and why it takes you away from them so pick your guests-(four or less) and plan
your SNACKS~raisins with corn candy, ice cream bars in freezer-Fresh Fruit and hot and cold tea~..."Come at collage 3:00" their vi
vintage collage invites will say!~ And what next? Pillows and pj's;tell them to bring theirs along with a tooth brush, a large frame; and l
long gone memories. (See them?) They are having a ball.;~Your friends also brought scraps of lace...ribbons...buttons whatever they a
hand~ And you provided glues, fabrics, paints TEMPERA...Markers scissors, music, and lots of laughter and comfort for their
CREATING~ I am going to set out books with ideas for how they might want to arrange their long forgotten now coming to life in
the warmth of your hospitality...Clip, snip, laughter, sigh, telling stories about /Aunt Helen's affair or Uncle Ned and how he drove
down the middle of the road---The art work is looking good and even if it looks doesn't matter. You are using copies of
originals as things fall into shape...more stories about people, hardships, ships, births, divorces, millionaires, debt, career's and...
It's suddenly time for supper~winter crock pot stew and chili; summer grilled hamburgers with potato salad and lettuce salad and
brownies~And How about a vintage movie for those who are done working-and when the movie is over---then what? I
know...AND yeS WiNe and WIne
Stories!-a group story in the dark--- taking turns ghost story style. Laughter and moments that are unforgettable~Oh how time flies~
Check the pictures once more and then share the meaning of the day-What each will take away?~ ...Yes...
the girls tell what the experience meant by way of family~ An experience for~forgiveness and understanding and loving.more deeply Yes..
Party~Genalogy Slumber Get Togerher~ Do It!~Party Time with Ancestors~All Night with Friens and tTheir Relatives Pictures and ~
It's time your friends understood waht you do and why it takes you away from them so pick your guests-(four or less) and plan
your SNACKS~raisins with corn candy, ice cream bars in freezer-Fresh Fruit and hot and cold tea~..."Come at collage 3:00" their vi
vintage collage invites will say!~ And what next? Pillows and pj's;tell them to bring theirs along with a tooth brush, a large frame; and l
long gone memories. (See them?) They are having a ball.;~Your friends also brought scraps of lace...ribbons...buttons whatever they a
hand~ And you provided glues, fabrics, paints TEMPERA...Markers scissors, music, and lots of laughter and comfort for their
CREATING~ I am going to set out books with ideas for how they might want to arrange their long forgotten now coming to life in
the warmth of your hospitality...Clip, snip, laughter, sigh, telling stories about /Aunt Helen's affair or Uncle Ned and how he drove
down the middle of the road---The art work is looking good and even if it looks doesn't matter. You are using copies of
originals as things fall into shape...more stories about people, hardships, ships, births, divorces, millionaires, debt, career's and...
It's suddenly time for supper~winter crock pot stew and chili; summer grilled hamburgers with potato salad and lettuce salad and
brownies~And How about a vintage movie for those who are done working-and when the movie is over---then what? I
know...AND yeS WiNe and WIne
Stories!-a group story in the dark--- taking turns ghost story style. Laughter and moments that are unforgettable~Oh how time flies~
Check the pictures once more and then share the meaning of the day-What each will take away?~ ...Yes...
the girls tell
Publish Post
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Blue Green Baby Boys Vintage Toys Tapestry
Blue Green Baby Boys Vintage Toys Tapestry
In my love for Swedish art, I went hunting for a tapestry of mine-the one that Agnes brought from Sweden late 1800s.In the process, I came across an adorable baby illustration- done tapestry style-Had I not already purchased a gift for Ana's
baptism, I might have chosen this. She has a beautiful needle point that my step-mother did for her father. A family heirloom. I made a quilt that I personally embroidered. It took about
300 hours to complete. I did my own stamping and stitching of twelve unique rabbit scenes. I adore rabbits and all quaint animals such as those Beatrice Potter would do.- Also Tasha Tudor. Both were writers who illustrated . Another-Graham Greene and .Wind in the Willows.~ My mother read the story to me when I was little. The animals came to life.Wonderful literature. O occasion, she read to us girls under a blanket. We set up a tent and put a light underneath. Be creative; make reading come alive and real. Eat apples and raisins and popcorn and sip hot chocolate. Read during the blizzards and rainstorms...
I just looked at the title of this and remembered a quilt I was to design. It is Swedish and of Swedish toys that are vintage. Perhaps this is an angel speaking to me..a reminder. Can't you see it? Someday when I'm long gone, my granddaughter's granddaughter will discover my quilts. Perhaps she will be doing a thesis for college-the kind where you need to know about your past. My quilt will have a label. "Who was this?" she'll ask, delighted to have made a tangible discovery. I will have left an echo of joy. Whether it's the rabbits or the toys...I will have contributed to someone's curiosity. Joy is giving joy and opening up minds...a gift.
Was off to the cemetery, It is simply too cold in Nebraska. I will try to post my latest pictures on Ancestry then continue exploring two scrapbook boxes~ then write on my book tonight~ until I return...Stay safe and contented-Look at the Blue-Green Baby Boys Toys Vintage Tapestry for happiness.Gabbi-Inner Joy
In my love for Swedish art, I went hunting for a tapestry of mine-the one that Agnes brought from Sweden late 1800s.In the process, I came across an adorable baby illustration- done tapestry style-Had I not already purchased a gift for Ana's
baptism, I might have chosen this. She has a beautiful needle point that my step-mother did for her father. A family heirloom. I made a quilt that I personally embroidered. It took about
300 hours to complete. I did my own stamping and stitching of twelve unique rabbit scenes. I adore rabbits and all quaint animals such as those Beatrice Potter would do.- Also Tasha Tudor. Both were writers who illustrated . Another-Graham Greene and .Wind in the Willows.~ My mother read the story to me when I was little. The animals came to life.Wonderful literature. O occasion, she read to us girls under a blanket. We set up a tent and put a light underneath. Be creative; make reading come alive and real. Eat apples and raisins and popcorn and sip hot chocolate. Read during the blizzards and rainstorms...
I just looked at the title of this and remembered a quilt I was to design. It is Swedish and of Swedish toys that are vintage. Perhaps this is an angel speaking to me..a reminder. Can't you see it? Someday when I'm long gone, my granddaughter's granddaughter will discover my quilts. Perhaps she will be doing a thesis for college-the kind where you need to know about your past. My quilt will have a label. "Who was this?" she'll ask, delighted to have made a tangible discovery. I will have left an echo of joy. Whether it's the rabbits or the toys...I will have contributed to someone's curiosity. Joy is giving joy and opening up minds...a gift.
Was off to the cemetery, It is simply too cold in Nebraska. I will try to post my latest pictures on Ancestry then continue exploring two scrapbook boxes~ then write on my book tonight~ until I return...Stay safe and contented-Look at the Blue-Green Baby Boys Toys Vintage Tapestry for happiness.Gabbi-Inner Joy
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Inner Joy-Writer's Wear out too!
I have loved writing my book. It is Candle Glow Dreams Nebraska-but it has taken three years of eight hour days. there are times when I want to quit. I have missed out on doing good deeds, seeing friens-someone called me a loner!- I don't get calls made, I forget bills, doctor appointments, sleep two hours a night, become irritated, don't get to play with kitty Molly, have spent hours learning how to type and sue the computer, want to do nothing but write, research, hope nothing I say is offensive, laugh cry, yell,...and so it goes, but if I had it all to do over I would do it again. It will get easier and easier and with M.S.
and not getting to be in the sun-what would I have done without my visions and the friends I have made in my book-...I will still be writing when Celeste and Will have their their grandchildren because I have years of club notes that I inherited from the 40's through the 70's, but they began with my grandmother a charter member. All of these wonderful country women. Thnk you and if you are a writer and a hppen to read this-write me and share your feelings.
and not getting to be in the sun-what would I have done without my visions and the friends I have made in my book-...I will still be writing when Celeste and Will have their their grandchildren because I have years of club notes that I inherited from the 40's through the 70's, but they began with my grandmother a charter member. All of these wonderful country women. Thnk you and if you are a writer and a hppen to read this-write me and share your feelings.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Small town Ne. Life.
I wasn't sure where I wanted to go with blogging. I like inner joy, but in that I've achieved it, I decided to write on being a woman on the Nebraska prairie. This is the land I love. I have finished a book that has taken three years to write, and now I am in the days of editing, a tireless job that I can't resist. In the midst of that, I am finding more and more lost pieces that fill a gap..I will be writing about that also. I suppose that living here among friends is a hodgepodge life a bit like the mixture of flowers tucked inside a bag. One gets a wonderful smell-an aroma that delights the soul. The best way I can speak of inner joy is to define my life here in Nebraska as it goes from day to day.Off for now-better stuff later..
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