Saturday, July 19, 2014

Loving Life- Low Maintenance Style

I sit here on this sparkling summer day and think about Love. Don't take me wrong. It's not about that kind of love but love about being alive. It's about the little things like summer at the cabin, the mother goose with her babies floating through the water. A deer that stopped and  looked both ways as I crossed the country bridge. Or the mother cat with the kittens. She's wild and had moved them at least two times. I know she's hungry and stressed. Will there be enough mice while I'm gone for a few days. I feed her.

My love isn't high maintenance. I've been there and while it's nice to be free from financial worry, I've never been a big spender. Of course, I write, and this cabin on the Little Blue provides my needs. For me, love is about the birds out on the feeder. The male cardinals feeds the females a seed to regurgitate for her babies.  How romantic! Or the wood peckers. We have three varieties of those red headed beauties. Even the cranky blue jay adds color. Along with those, we have the wild turkeys strutting down the road, slowing you up.Just across the way we have a 100 year old farmhouse along with a barn that's of the same vintage. The house has wanes-coating and a room upstairs where I can write. It's perfect for poetry.

Then to top it of that, we got a golf cart and an old boat on sale. The granddaughters come out here and ride over by the walking bridge. Better yet, little Anna and I took a walk the other night and went past the bucolic cabins that were built in the late 1800's when ferry boats brought people up the river to dance at the lodge or go into Crete Nebraska, a small college town.  Robert Taylor went to school here.(Doane College).
I hear about depression. Money is often an issue or self-image. I've been there, but for me, love isn't money, and love need not cost a bundle. Find your niche whatever it is. For me this is enough.

Friday, July 4, 2014

A Cyber Bully and Your Response

In a country that offers freedom, we have a powerful new weapon. The Cyberbully.....

A Cyberbully is a small and insecure person who lacks self-confidence and character. Think of them as being the size of a frog. They feel little and insignificant. So how can they feel big. They can increase their size by intimidating you on the internet on social media sights. I know becuase it happened to me. I felt powerless, embarssed, humiliated and very alone. I had posted a poem and someone blasted it. Why? 
Because they didn't write the poem and becuase I was having fun and my trust level was bigger than it should have been. I was not expecting that to happen. I confronted the bully who denied and asked how I could possibly call him that. Well friends, it happned four times with this person. They were no going to stop!!! I decided that my only recourse was to block the bully. Guess what? Now I can't post on Linked In. I went from being a person of influence to losing my right to say anything. Futhermore, there is nothing I can do. I can't offer any explanations for why I blocked them. Here we are on the July forth and I have no voice on LinkedIn. OK. That's all right. I can post here and I will.

Cyberbully- an insignificant person who uses words without consequences to humilate and degrade. Why? So they can feel bigger. So they can make you afraid to post or create a poem or write an opinion. Call then green, jealous, had beens who are power driven.

What can you do?
1. Remember: you are dealing with untrue words...A label and nothing more.

2.. Ignore the response and act like you never heard it. Ignoring is powerful. Ignore everytime they come at you. IGNORE

3.  You can leave for awhile while you decide what recourse to take. However, try to feel flattered. Apparently you did something right or why else would he bully want to put you down? A bully is jealous and troubled. They never have enough inside to thrive on their own accomplisments. 

4. Turn to people who love and support you. Frankly, being bullied can feel like a sting and blow. So go to your friends for reinforcement.

5. Study bullying. Learn what you can do. There are sites on line and you could even become an advocate for teens and small children. A child is helpless. When I was a therapist the best advice I gave was HAVE FUN. Always have a passion on hand to dist ract yourself.  Remember just how lovable you are and that their words are AIR. The are gutless people who turn to the vocabulary. In fact, it's easy to do on-line. Their are no penalties.